using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using FFMpegCore;
using FFMpegCore.Enums;
using FFMpegCore.Pipes;
using FFMpegCore.Extend;

var inputPath = "/path/to/input";
var outputPath = "/path/to/output";

    var mediaInfo = FFProbe.Analyse(inputPath);

    var mediaInfo = await FFProbe.AnalyseAsync(inputPath);

        .OutputToFile(outputPath, false, options => options
            .WithVideoFilters(filterOptions => filterOptions

    // process the snapshot in-memory and use the Bitmap directly
    var bitmap = FFMpeg.Snapshot(inputPath, new Size(200, 400), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

    // or persists the image on the drive
    FFMpeg.Snapshot(inputPath, outputPath, new Size(200, 400), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

var inputStream = new MemoryStream();
var outputStream = new MemoryStream();

    await FFMpegArguments
        .FromPipeInput(new StreamPipeSource(inputStream))
        .OutputToPipe(new StreamPipeSink(outputStream), options => options


    FFMpeg.JoinImageSequence(@"..\joined_video.mp4", frameRate: 1,

    FFMpeg.Mute(inputPath, outputPath);

    FFMpeg.ExtractAudio(inputPath, outputPath);

var inputAudioPath = "/path/to/input/audio";
    FFMpeg.ReplaceAudio(inputPath, inputAudioPath, outputPath);

var inputImagePath = "/path/to/input/image";
    FFMpeg.PosterWithAudio(inputPath, inputAudioPath, outputPath);
    // or
    var image = Image.FromFile(inputImagePath);
    image.AddAudio(inputAudioPath, outputPath);

IVideoFrame GetNextFrame() => throw new NotImplementedException();
    IEnumerable<IVideoFrame> CreateFrames(int count)
        for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            yield return GetNextFrame(); //method of generating new frames
    var videoFramesSource = new RawVideoPipeSource(CreateFrames(64)) //pass IEnumerable<IVideoFrame> or IEnumerator<IVideoFrame> to constructor of RawVideoPipeSource
        FrameRate = 30 //set source frame rate
    await FFMpegArguments
        .OutputToFile(outputPath, false, options => options

    // setting global options
    GlobalFFOptions.Configure(new FFOptions { BinaryFolder = "./bin", TemporaryFilesFolder = "/tmp" });
    // or
    GlobalFFOptions.Configure(options => options.BinaryFolder = "./bin");
    // or individual, per-run options
    await FFMpegArguments
        .ProcessAsynchronously(true, new FFOptions { BinaryFolder = "./bin", TemporaryFilesFolder = "/tmp" });